Research laboratory of the specialty "Chemistry".Laboratory of General and inorganic chemistry.Laboratory of physical and colloid chemistry.Laboratory of biochemistry and chemistry of high-molecular compounds.Laboratory of teaching methods of geography and cartography.Laboratory of Geology and Earth Science General (Mineralogical Museum).Laboratory of Botany and Fpplied Biology.M015 Training of geography teachers: 7M01505 Geography, 7M01506 Social geography.M014 Training of Biology Educators: 7M01501 Biology, 7M01502 Information Biology.M013 Training of chemistry teachers: 7M01503 Chemistry, 7M01504 Chemistry and digitalization.В014 Training of geography teachers: 6В01506 Geography, 6В01513 Geography-Biology, 6В01514 Geography-History.В013 Training of biology teachers: 6В01505 Biology, 6В01512 Biology-Chemistry.В012 Training of chemistry teachers: 6В01504 Chemistry, 6В01511 Chemistry-Biology.Training of teachers in the natural sciences in groups of educational programs: Gallia PhD Biological sciences, Head of Department from 2017 to the 2018s PhD Biological sciences, Head of Department from 1995 to the 99s From 2011 to the present, the educational programs of the department occupy leading places in the national ratings of specialties of pedagogical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2012-2014, the department was headed by Ph.D., associate professor Taurbaeva G.U., 2014-2016, Ph.D., associate professor Konysbaeva D.T., 2016-2017 master of biology, Suyundikova Zh.T., 2017-2018, Ph.D., associate professor Ruchkina G.B. During her leadership at the department, they began to prepare masters of biology and geography, and already in 2006, as a part of the teaching staff of the department, newly-minted specialists began their teaching activities. Department of Biology renamed the Department of Biology and Geography. In 2004, the specialty "Geography" was opened, and in 2008. Baitursynova pedagogical specialties were allocated and the KSPI was formed. In February 2004, in connection with the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from Kostanay State University of A. Gaidenko Nina PhD Biological sciences, associate professor Head of Department from 1990 to 1995 Pugachev Pavel Doctor of Biological sciences, professor Head of Department from 1975 to 1984
Masyukova Maria Candidate of Agricultural sciences, associate professor Head of Department from 1972 to 1977 Lalayan.Įrshov Vladimir PhD Biological sciences, associate professor Head of Department from 1968 to the 70s. In autumn 1999, in connection with the decree of the Ministry, all three departments of biological profile were merged into one department of biology, which was supervised by N. Lalayan and the Department of Ecology, Plant Physiology and Microbiology - Head Pugachev P.G. Valyaeva In 1992, in connection with the transformation of the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute into Kostanay State University, the Department of Botany was divided into two - the Department of Botany itself - head of N. Gaidenko, Associate Professor, Ph.D., and in the middle (1995-1999) decades - E. In the early 90s, the Department of Zoology was headed by N. She merges with the Department of Botany, leads the joint department Lalayan N.T., Ph.D., Associate Professor. In the same period, the Department of Fundamentals of Agriculture was created, which is headed by the candidate of agricultural sciences Gabdullin R. Shevchenko, and the department of botany by N. In the early 80s, the department of zoology and physiology of humans and animals was headed by L.Ya. (Senior Lecturer), Utina Zauresh Esmuhanovna (Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor).Ĩ0-90s of the XX century. Head department Kurishko Arkady Mikhailovich (candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor), Sleptsova Lyudmila Maksimovna (senior lecturer), Kudryavtseva N.S. The Department of Chemistry began to function on September 28, 1968. From 1972 to 1977, the department was headed by I.O., candidate of agricultural sciences Masyukova. Ershov and the Department of Botany, 1975, Ph.D. 1968 - Department of Zoology and Physiology of Man and Animals, Head of the Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor V.P. the period of formation of two departments of biological profile. At this time, the department was headed by the candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor Artyushenko O. In 1958, the department has renamed the Department of Biology. In the 1940-41 academic year, the department was headed by KP Stashevsky, and in the post-war period, M. In 1939, the department has renamed the Department of Natural Sciences and Geography. History of the Department of Natural Sciences